Virtual Inventory Program (VIP)
B&T has partnered with more than 100 of the most important publishers to bring their inventory positions - on their shelves - to Title Source 360 in real time.
VIP brings more than 800,000 additional titles readily into stock, enhancing our overall offering to more than 2 million titles. VIP inventory helps B&T deliver a first-fill rate of over 90%: the highest in the industry.
Titles with additional VIP inventory display those inventory levels (updated multiple times per week) within the system, ensuring that those titles are ready available to ship to you. All library and education organizations are automatically enabled with VIP by default during setup.
VIP inventory displays on the Search Results, Item Details, and Cart Details pages within Table and Stacked views. The VIP warehouse will display only if there is inventory in the VIP warehouse and if there are more than 10 copies available.
You can check the inventory in VIP on the Cart Details page by selecting Check Cart Inventory from the Cart Actions drop-down. This will return inventory data for all warehouses you are set up to ship to, as well as the VIP warehouse.
Use the Refine Your Search section on the left side of the Cart Details page to view only inventory available in the VIP warehouse by selecting the Available in VIP warehouses link.
You can order VIP and non-VIP titles within the same cart. Titles will be ordered from a VIP warehouse only if no or insufficient inventory levels exist within the B&T warehouses.