Submitting an Order
From the Cart Details page, review the Account Summary tab and PO # assigned to the cart. Click Submit Order if there are no changes.
If you need to change the accounts associated with your order, you can do so by selecting the appropriate account from the Account drop-down menu. Click Save to keep your changes.
Click Submit Order. The Review & Submit Order page will appear, giving you one last change to review the cart before ordering. To make further changes, click Back to Cart. To order the cart, click Submit Order.
You will receive a success message.
The cart will be automatically moved to the Ordered & Submitted folder. When you open the cart, the status of your cart will change to Ordered. From here, you can view your cart and the Order Status by clicking on the associated tab. The current status of each item in the cart will display separately.
Only users who have the Submit Order function enabled can use the Submit Order button. You can check to see if you have this functionality by going to My B&T > My Preferences and then looking for the Submit Order function. If you don't have this functionality, contact your administrator to have this functionality added. Alternatively, you can or you may transfer the cart to a user with Submit Order access so they can order the cart for you.