Publish Status
A list of all Publish Statuses in the system.
The current publishing status for titles can be found within the General Title Information section on the Title Details page, or within Search Results. Use the Publish Status to determine how and if you can order the title from Baker & Taylor. You can search by specific Publish Status on the Advanced Search page.
If the Publish Status field is blank, you can order the title as long as inventory exists in one of your assigned Baker & Taylor warehouses.
Below is a list of all Publish Statuses in the system:
Apply Direct - Title is not supplied by Baker & Taylor. Any orders will be canceled.
Available - Available to order.
Not Yet Published - The title has not yet been published. Pre-orders may be placed prior to publication.
Out of Business - Publisher is out of business. Title cannot be ordered from Baker & Taylor unless stock remains in a Baker & Taylor warehouse.
Out of Print - Title is no longer being printed by the publisher. Title cannot be ordered from Baker & Taylor unless stock remains in a Baker & Taylor warehouse.
Out of Stock - For print titles, the publisher has declared that they are out of stock. The publisher may, however, print more titles at their discretion. Any inventory on hand can be ordered and delivered. In the case of eBooks, this status means Baker & Taylor has not been able to convert the title. For both eBooks and print titles, orders will be held in case inventory comes in.
Permanently Out of Stock - The publisher has declared that the title is out of stock indefinitely and has no plans to print more copies. Any inventory on hand can be ordered and delivered, but once stock has been depleted, orders will be canceled.
Publication Cancelled - Title was not published. Title cannot be ordered from Baker & Taylor
Publisher Out of Stock - Identical to Out of Stock.
Unable to Locate Publisher - Title cannot be ordered from Baker & Taylor unless stock is listed in a Baker & Taylor warehouse.