MARC Profile and One-Click MARC
Follow the below steps for a seamless MARC download.
1. Go to the Manage Carts page (Carts > Manage Carts).
2. Locate the cart you wish to download
3. Click on the Cart Name to view Cart Details page.
4. Sort the Cart according to the sequence needed for the MARC download.
5. Select Download/Export Cart from the Cart Actions drop-down.
8. Select MARC Download from the Choose Download Format drop-down.
9. If you have one or more MARC profiles, select the profile you want from the Select a MARC profile drop-down, or select keep the default as None.
10. If your organization is grid-enabled, select Validate Grid First to find and fix any errors in your grid distribution prior to downloading to your ILS system.
11. Select Change cart status to Downloaded if you are conducting a final MARC download for the cart and want to indicate that the cart was downloaded. If you select this option, your cart will be frozen and no additional changes can be made. If you want to continue working on this cart, make sure you leave this option deselected.
12. Click Download Now. If there are more than 500 items in your cart, the cart may be queued for later delivery and you will receive an alert when the cart is ready. The alert will contain a link to retrieve the completed MARC file.
13. The file will download in the background. Once complete, you have an option to Save the file or View the file in a separate tab.
Viewing your MARC Download
When you choose to View your MARC download, the MARC records will display in a separate tab. You can use the navigation buttons at the top of the screen to go forward and backward, as well as to navigate to a specific page within the MARC download.
How to Use One-Click MARC:
1. Go to the Manage Carts page (Carts > Manage Carts).
2. Locate the cart you wish to download
3. Click on the Cart Name to view Cart Details page.
4. Sort the Cart according to the sequence needed for the MARC download.
5. Select One-Click MARC from the Cart Actions drop-down.
6. If you have more than one One-Click MARC Profile, you must select desired MARC Profile from the MARC Profile drop-down menu.
7. Click Download to begin the download process. Three icons are used to indicate progress , success
or failure
of the download. These are displayed on the Cart Listing screen next to the Cart Header. The Download status will also display if you selected the Change cart status to "Downloaded" within the One Click MARC Download pop-up seen in step 6.