Creating a ONE-Click MARC Profile

Follow the steps below to create a ONE-Click MARC Profile.

Any existing MARC Profiles that were tested successfully can become a One-Click MARC Profile. One-Click MARC Profiles can also be used for standard MARC downloads, exports, and emails.

1. Go to Admin > MARC Profiles at the top of any page in the system. 

admin marc profile option


2. Click on the Profile Name you want to set up for One-Click MARC.

3. The following fields must be completed on the General Marc Info tab:

one click marc fields

  • FTP Address - The FTP address should be that of your receiving FTP server, whether in URL form (i.e., or IP Address form (i.e., If your ILS is from Innovative, you may need to add port 1021 to the end of the address as in the following example:
  • FTP User ID  - The FTP User ID is the login ID Baker & Taylor's FTP server will use to log in to your receiving FTP server. This may or may not be case-sensitive.
  • FTP Password - The FTP Password is paired with the login ID and is usually case-sensitive.
  • FTP Inbound Directory (optional) - February 22, 2014 Title Source Ver. 2.8
  • When the FTP Inbound Directory is left empty, the MARC file will be copied to the “root” directory where the log-in process places users when they log in. If the drop location is in a different directory or folder, enter the complete path to that directory from the root location. For example, to drop in a sub-folder called 1Click, you can enter either \1Click or just 1Click. Test to determine what works for you.
  • File Prefix (optional) - The File Prefix can be any set of characters that will pre-pend the MARC file name to better allow for separation of the MARC files from other files in the FTP server. In other words, if multiple profiles are used to download different types of products, you may consider using a prefix of BOOK, MUSIC, or MOVIE when processing these downloads.

4. Click Test One-Click to test the connectivity to your designated FTP server. Connectivity is tested using the data you supplied in the fields above; the test does not test the profile's rules, nor does it download any files.

5. An FTP icon will display during the test. Click on the icon every 30 seconds to refresh the status of the test, until the icon turns
blue (success) or red (failure)

FTP icon

6. Once you are done testing, click Save to save the credentials in the database to make them available for the profile. Any time you click Save on this tab, our system will store your credentials in the database without testing. Testing only occurs when you click on the Test One-Click button. If your save is successful, you will receive a
green confirmation message and the profile will be saved; if it fails, you will receive a red error message. Click Cancel to revert back to previously saved values. 

TIP: Anytime you click SAVE from this Tab our system will test connectivity to your FTP server using the data you supplied in the textboxes. It does not test the actual profiles rules, nor does it download a file. If the connection is successful you will see a green confirmation message and the profile will be saved.

If the connection fails you will see a red error message. After you make appropriate changes you can click on SAVE again to retest. If you are unsuccessful in saving then click CANCEL to leave the profile unchanged. It will not be available for One-Click until the test comes back successful.